Evening Primrose  available in summer and winter for shadow european tortoises desert tortoises tropical tortoises (wetland) terrapins
Oenothera biennis My experiences / remark to this entry: (EMail)

flower calender (germany)

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
plant available plant available plant available plant available plant available Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: gelb Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: gelb Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: gelb Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: gelb plant available plant available plant available

Kurzbeschreibung der Pflanze:

Blütenfarben: Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: gelb
Größe: 60 bis 150 cm
Blütenform: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte
Blattform: glatt, spitz
Beschreibung: Lanzettförmige Blätter, ganzjährig verfügbar. Blüht nachts
Wissenswertes: Blüten schmecken hervorragend
Standort: Lückige Unkrautflur, Brache, Böschung, Bahndämme
Pflanzanleitung: trockene, humose sandig-steinige Lehmböden
Kornanzahl: 2220 Korn/gr
Bemerkungen: Nachtfalterweide
Keimzeit: Frühling
Zeigerwert N: 4
(3-7 bedeutet Mittelwert und man kann sagen, dass sie weder einer Magerkeit noch einem Stickstoffanzeiger zugeordnet werden können)

some ingredients in ppm (parts per million):

element part quantity minimal maximal
Calcium Plant   12,100 23,400
Fibre Plant   156,000 234,000
Magnesium Plant   2,700 3,900
Phosphorus Plant   1,700 3,700
Protein Plant   150,000  


summary from an email of the mailing list: Schildifutter - Mailingsliste from Gaby Weyl
Another plant which can be found during the whole year :
Evening Primrose
The biennial evening primrose has many benefits_
1. its rosette does not freeze during winter and is available even then
2. it has yellow flowers which open within a few seconds at dusk and they smell wonderful. Torts love this flower.
3. The plants has many seeds and spreads like a weed. Nevertheless it is easy to get rid it from the yard, 
as it does not return where it has been removed.
4. It can be used in human kitchens as well.
5. it is a medicinal plant as well

<< translated by: Rachel Butner and Marion Minch

summary from an email of the mailing list: Schildifutter - Mailingsliste from Marion Minch
My torts adore the leaves and the flowers of this fascinating plant.

<< translated by: Marion Minch

summary from an email of the mailing list: Schildifutter - Mailingsliste from Sabine Willig
presented by

<< translated by: Marion Minch

further information on:

Pfaf Database


Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: gelb
available in summer and winter for shadow european tortoises desert tortoises tropical tortoises (wetland) terrapins plant available plant flourish