Blackberry  available in summer and winter european tortoises desert tortoises tropical tortoises (wetland)
rubus fruticosus My experiences / remark to this entry: (EMail)

flower calender (germany)

jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
plant available plant available plant available plant available plant available Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: weiss Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: weiss plant available plant available plant available plant available plant available

Kurzbeschreibung der Pflanze:

Blütenfarben: Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: weiss
Größe: 0 bis 200 cm
Blütenform: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte
Blattform: gezackt, rund
Standort: lichte Waldränder, Kahlschläge, Wegränder
Inhalt: Gerbstoffe, Flavone, Vitamin C, organische Säuren
Zeigerwert N: 6
(3-7 bedeutet Mittelwert und man kann sagen, dass sie weder einer Magerkeit noch einem Stickstoffanzeiger zugeordnet werden können)

summary from an email of the mailing list: Schildifutter - Mailingsliste from Annett Werner
All around the year you can find the leaves of the blackberries because they are evergreen. For this reason they are also suitable for winter feeding. They are a valuable enrichment of the menue. 
It is helpful to carry scissors while collecting, because of their thorns.
I generally wash the leaves of the blackberry before feeding to remove any residue of bird droppings.
My torts eat them in small amounts.

<< translated by: Rachel Butner and Marion Minch

summary from an email of the mailing list: Schildifutter - Mailingsliste from Marion Minch
Who doesn't know the thorny and rampant blackberry hedges?
The bushes have sharp thorns and in any case it is a good idea to carry gloves. Still it is worthwhile to collect these wild berries and leaves as they are more aromatic than the cultivated ones which you can buy at the shops.

<< translated by: Rachel Butner and Marion Minch

further information on:

Pfaf Database


Blüte: 5 blättrig; Einzelblüte; Farbe: weiss
available in summer and winter european tortoises desert tortoises tropical tortoises (wetland) plant available plant flourish